Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) was founded in 1950 when seven contractors gathered in Baltimore to create an association based on the shared belief that construction projects should be awarded on merit to the most qualified and responsible low bidders. That belief remains a guiding principle today. Let ABC Texas Gulf Coast Chapter help your business navigate the waters of today’s economy and set a course for success.
MISSION ABC will be the leading voice promoting free enterprise within the construction industry and will promote and defend the merit shop philosophy which encourages open competition and a free-enterprise approach to construction based solely on merit, regardless of labor affiliation. | VISION The Vision of ABC is an environment in which people and companies succeed based on free-enterprise principles within the free-market system. |
CORE VALUES ABC values the highest levels of personal and corporate standards of behavior characterized by responsibility, accountability and integrity, with demonstrated personal and industry professionalism by all participants. | CORE PURPOSE The Core Purpose of ABC is to advance and defend the principles of the merit shop in the construction industry and to provide members and their employees with an opportunity to succeed. |