ABC Helps Its Members Develop People with Craft Training

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 Merit Shop Training, Inc. (MSTI) is the educational affiliate of ABC Texas Gulf Coast Chapter.   

Our mission is to train a highly skilled workforce for local industry and contractor members. MSTI achieves this mission with craft training delivered through our long partnership with Brazosport College.  ABC Member company employees are eligible to train through the MSTI Craft Certification program at highly discounted tuition rates.  This a competency based training program designed to prepare individuals for occupations in skilled crafts. A trainee commits to training and follows a structured course outline. They may move through the program at an accelerated pace based on their capabilities, rather than being tied to a strict time requirement. This training is a combination of classroom and laboratory, with a structured course outline, and on the job training. Students registered in the ABC/MSTI Program are also eligible to compete in the Local and National Craft Championships. 

To learn about the various training options, contact the MSTI/ABC office at 979-824-7370. Craft areas include:

  • Automotive Technology
  • Construction Management
  • Drafting Technology
  • Heating, Air, Refrigeration Technology (HART)
  • Industrial Electricity
  • Industrial Pipefitting
  • Instrumentation Technology
  • Machine Technology: Machinist or Millwright
  • Process Technology
  • Safety, Health, Environmental Management
  • Welding Technology

Register at and complete the MSTI Registration Form.  Email this form to or bring it to the MSTI offices at 1002 ABC Avenue in Freeport, Texas.  

Credentials Matter - MSTI's NCCER Journeyman's Skills Assessment Testing

MSTI is an NCCER Accredited Training Sponsor, and Authorized Assessment Center.  NCCER Skills Assessments and Pipeline OQ testing are available daily, as well as the MSTI Study Hall where craftsmen can come to study prior to taking their Journeyman's Knowledge Assessment.  Study Hall is available for $10/day.  Books may be checked out from our library.  

Credentials matter!  Successful completion of an NCCER  Knowledge Assessment AND successful completion of an NCCER Performance Verification proves that a craftsman is CERTIFIED in his craft, the highest level of certification available.

Call (979) 824-7369 to schedule your Knowledge Assessment.  Click here for a printable brochure on NCCER Assessments & Testing.


Train at ABC

Visit the Craft Training page for details on classes held at ABC Facilities, including Construction Site Safety Technician, Construction Management  and NCCER Crane, Rigging and Signal Person.